The 10 Best Abandoned Places in Oregon | Killer Urbex

Killer Urbex
7 min readApr 18, 2021

At Killer Urbex, we strive to ensure that those interested in exploring abandoned locations and general urban exploration have the tools and information necessary to do so. While our massive in-depth guide to the best abandoned places in Oregon may be comprehensive, we found it important to have a more condensed, bite-sized version of our guide.

For that reason, below is our tightened-up list of the best abandoned places in Oregon to explore.

The Witch’s Castle (Portland)

You’ll see hand printed signs telling you the forest is haunted and the location we’re headed to is called the Witch’s Castle, but in truth, this abandoned place in Oregon is one of beauty and grace.

The stone walls standing in defiance of nature’s constant attack, reinforced with moss and growing plants, this remnant is actually the park’s abandoned ranger station and not the former abode of a forest dwelling witch, or a even part of the Balch and Stump event of which tragic stories are told.

This 1930’s structure was damaged and abandoned in 1962 and stands today as a focal point of legend and…



Killer Urbex

Everything you could possibly want to know about urban exploration and exploring abandoned places can be found at Killer Urbex. Dive in to start exploring!